Passover in a Pinch: Recipe Ideas
This year both Passover and Easter fall on the same weekend which means lots of people around the world will be entertaining and sharing meals with friends and family. I am going low-key this year attending a seder in the city on Friday and an Easter lunch the following day. I am looking forward to both.
Like any entertaining event, the question of what to serve typically comes down to the following bitter pill: Do I stick to the tried, tested and favourites of my guests or do I bust out a new set of recipes and go wild? I personally prefer the later options but I understand that there is some comfort and simplicity in remaking the same dishes year after year that you know will please your crowd. Either way someone will complain but don’t let that deter you from running your seder your way! Entertain in a way that gives you pleasure and enjoyment.
If you are prepping to host or attend a seder on Friday or Saturday night and are in need of some inspiration on what to make or bring, I thought I would share a couple of my favourite ideas that I’ve been impressed with on Pinterest this week. Since it’s Thursday and Passover begins tomorrow night at sundown, these ideas will hopefully help you out if you are in a pinch! I think the chocolate matzoh shot (picture three) looks divine!
Source: via Juliet on Pinterest
Source: via Shaina on Pinterest
Source: via Jeanette on Pinterest
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest