The weekend is here and I could not be happier. While the weather continues to push 25 degrees in Prague, there is finally a breeze which makes nights a bit more comfortable sans a/c.
A couple weeks ago when I was in Paris, I forgot to blog about a cool experience I had at a chocolate store. What made me remember is that I still have a small (but melting) bag of chocolate covered cherries from this place and as I was thinking about eating on, a light bulb went off in my brain.
I did my fair share of sampling sweets around the city: A macaron here, a chocolate there, a palmier here… you get the picture. I don’t think I had a bad “sample” anywhere but there were a few spots that stood out from the rest. One of which was La Maison Georges Larnicol. Are you acquainted with this place? It is a chocolate store with two locations in Paris (I visited the one on rue de Rivoli (4th)) that offers customers an interactive chocolate experience: SELF SERVE.
Photo Source: 1
All of the chocolates are displayed in self-sever, bulk barn-esque bins where you can mix and match whatever items you want and simply pay by weight. You can cross over between chocolates, caramels and the famed Kouign amann cakes (a special pastry originating from Brittany that tastes like a cinnamon roll, a palmier and a stick of butter rolled together). If you are curious about these Kouign amann, I would recommend reading David Lebovitz’s post on this special delicacy and his experience at Larnicol. I tasted half of one just to have the experience. The Kouignette was dense, heavy and would have tasted better warmed up to make the sugar/butter/caramel gooier.
Photo Source: 2
In my experience roaming the chocolate stores of Paris, there is a beautiful glass case between you and your chocolate. Not here. The only things behind an official glass case are the macarons. Otherwise it is a chocolate free-for-all. The entire perimeter of the store is filled with chocolate covered everything, sometimes three or four bins deep, not to mention the displays of chocolate sculptures, products and gifts around the shelves and centre display cases.
Photo Source: 3
Have a wonderful weekend. Meet you back here next week.
Let me know what you tasted at Larnicol if you have been.