I had too many carrots…
I opened my vegetable drawer to find out that I had too many carrots. In my efforts to reduce my carrot supply, I set out to make a carrot cake. Nothing like a carrot cake recipe that typically calls for 4 to 6 cups of grated carrots to burn through my stash.
I have had a page ticked down for a carrot bran brunch bunt cake from the LCBO‘s Food and Drink magazine (old issue) for weeks now and decided to do something about it. I already went grocery shopping today and when I was assembling the ingredients, I realized I was short an egg (I had three out of four eggs). After debating the potential baking repercussions of being short an egg in a cake, and not wanting to go back out and buy a dozen more eggs, I decided to regroup my baking initiative and look for a new recipe. The problem is, when you look for a new recipe, you never have all the ingredients in your deviation plan, so you end up in the same spot you started out. One egg short of a cake.
Carrots were on the brain. Determined not to give up, I found a carrot cake recipe in the Rose Bakery (Paris) cookbook, Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, that seemed a bit too decadent for what I was intending to bake (more healthy-brunchy-less rich carrot cake for dessert), but it was usable as a base. I modified the recipe’s 2 cups of flour with a mixture of 1/2 cup white flour, 1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour and 1/4 cup wheat bran and added a handful of golden raisins, 1/2 a can of pineapple chunks and another handful of crushed walnuts. I also skipped the frosting and tested it out with some blueberry jam.
I think it turned out well. It is a carrot cake mutt; a hybrid of several carrot cake-bread-loaf recipes which was transformed into something that turned out moist, crumbly and delicious. (Thankfully- the baking gods do not always smile down on me when I get creative and mix different recipes!)
If you are looking for something a little more decadent, there is a great recipe here.