
I am venturing to a new US destination tomorrow morning:  Chicago.  After almost eight years of back and forth to New York with only a small detour to San Francisco and Boston, I have not done my part to explore the US.  I drew the line when the talk of vacation to a US destination came up and decided if I keep going back to my usual haunts, I will never get to anywhere new.  How will I bring back new and inspiring ideas if I keep going to the same cities (not that there is anything uninspiring about New York, SF and Boston). 

I have a massive itinerary of food, food, architecture, food and men’s clothing stores (for my bf).  We are an odd bunch of tourists if you ask me.  Who goes to a city and completely bypasses the tourist stuff, the monuments, the things the city is well-known for and instead compiles a list of restaurants, coffee/tea shops, bakeries, and grocery stores as a way to tour a destination?  I figure, it is via food that we will experience the city, its neighbourhoods and what the rave reviews are all about when people talk about Chicago pizza, chicken and waffles, hotdogs and a long list of other “chicago” style items I have read about while doing my city research.

In honour of the trip, I put together a selection of event ideas from three Chicago blogs:, Itsajaimething, and Chicago Style Unveiled

Items mentioned below:

David Burke’s Primehouse

Flirty Cupcakes (aka the cupcake van)

Looking forward to reporting back on my experiences this weekend.

via chicagoist (david burke's pastry kitchen at Primehouse)

via it's a jaime thing "cupcake on wheels"

via Chicago Style Unveiled

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cool espresso bar design

Tinderbox Espresso Bar in Islington, London first seen on We Heart, a great UK based lifestyle website that reports on everything cool and hip from a culture and design perspective.  They were spot on with Tinderbox.  It looks pretty cool if you ask me.  Look at the interior of this place put together by London-based Jonathan Clark Architecture!  I would love a space like this in Toronto for coffee, for meetings, for work and for fun.  A nice alternative to ubiquitous Starbucks.  The blogger behind Designing Lives said it right about this place that even if I didn’t need coffee, and I never do because I don’t drink the stuff, that Tinderbox Espresso Bar is a  place that is inviting enough that you would want to stop in and grab something.  Enjoy the shots below and your week.

via we heart


via we heart

via hipster collective

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lolly pop shoes: bloch

Super cute shoes for the summer by Sydney, Australia based company, Bloch.  They come in all the cool lolly pop flavours and are two toned and candy coloured.  Love them.  They also look very comfy for the office or a night out.

via bloch shoes


thing makers: The Official Manufacturing Company

Witty sells.  Witty attracts.  Witty makes you think.  The Official Manufacturing Company out of Portland has the best “about us” I have seen in a while.  They call themselves “thing makers” aka very talented graphic designers.  This phrase is befitting to their company as they provide a wide range of services, too long to list, but if it has to do with marketing collateral, brand identity or some combination of the two, it looks like these guys can more than handle the job.  I would like to see them apply their skills to a wedding invitation, their aesthetic is very natural looking.  An event project by them would be on a level, no doubt.  For more behind the method check out their blog here.  And of course a big thanks to design forward blogger behind the artist and his model, for writting about this great graphic design company!

via the official manufacturing company "frances may rebrand"

packaging for Stumptown coffee

Property of Hangtags


spring cookies

Check out these cute cookies from Clockwork Lemon.  They are perfect for a spring celebration. 



nuevo estilo

There is a great interior design magazine called Nuevo Estilo out of Spain.  It has some fabulous pictures and ideas for interior design if you are looking for some European flavour and inspiration. 

It is fitting that I found Nuevo Estilo.  Why this find is fitting you ask?  My brother recently got accepted into a Master of Finance program in Madrid and will be calling Spain his home as of September.  I can’t wait to put in my request for this magazine! 

via nuevo estilo Rimadesio showroom Madrid

via nuevo estilo

via nuevo estilo

via nuevo estilo

via nuevo estilo

via nuevo estilo

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