Bedynky Box: One
I am conducting an experiment for the next couple weeks. I decided to try something new when it comes to grocery shopping and switch it up a bit. Instead of going to a store to grocery shop, which seems to be our routine, I am testing out ordering bedynky boxes (farmer’s boxes/green boxes) from different companies around Prague and cooking with what arrives. My husband and I have been talking about this for a while now but never put our plan into action. The farmer’s markets are winding down the end of this month, but we are still interested in purchased local food. The other fun thing about shopping this way, is that you don’t always know in advance what you are going to receive so in a way, you are forced to learn how to cook with different vegetables that might be outside of your weekly routine.
I picked up my first box today from Bio Zahrada. In it I received the following: One leek, one radishy-turnip looking vegetable, a bunch of onions, some potatoes, some very muddy carrots, a pumpkin, and four pears. I also tried ordering organic chicken breasts, lamb shoulder and this interesting honey, almond spread (the item in the jar).
I forgot how much dirt comes on vegetables when they are fresh from the farm. My counter and sink were covered, as I attempted to clean the vegetables.
Tonight I cooked three recipes from 101 Cookbooks and used up the leek, three potatoes, and an onion from my veggie box. I am not sure I could taste any difference but I felt good about supporting the local farmers and eating food that did not travel miles to get to my table.
Prior to writing this blog post, I put an order in for a new box to arrive next week, this time from an online bedynky box company called Fresh Bedynky that delivers to your house. I was curious to see how the two boxes differ, if at all, before becoming a repeat customer with Bio Zahrada.
Have you tried ordering a farmer’s box, or CSA (North American term)? What was your experience like? Leave me a comment below or on Facebook.