idea paint
This post is completely selfish in focus.
I hope to be house hunting in the near future and I keep my eyes and ears open for interesting interior decor techniques/products at all times. I was blown away by this product when I saw it and I plan to order some to test it out when the time comes. It’s called idea paint and it is a paint that you can put on any surface (walls, tables etc) which turns the surface into one big dry erase white board. In other words, you can draw and erase anything you’d like on the surface once the paint is rolled on and dry (7 days). Think of all the fun you could have around the house in the kitchen jotting down recipes or a grocery list on the wall, in a home office to brainstorm, in the washroom….. I freakin love this idea. The ultimate creative product for the neat freak who hates chalk dust.
Look at some of the applications:
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