Posted by
sarah on Sep 9, 2010 in
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I spent this week assembling Ikea furniture. It was a productive yet emotional week becoming one with the Ikea brand of products. I started with over 20 boxes of items to assemble between the kitchen and master bathroom.
For those of you who have never assembled Ikea furniture here are my words of advice: Ikea is always right! It is inevitable that at some point during assembly you will hit an Ikea instruction wall, or in my case an Ikea mountain. Say you are working on a cabinet that has a glass component that flips out. It looks like the mechanical flippy part sits one way on the wood but you try and try and for some reason, the holes do not match up. Enter Ikea mountain. Frustration mounts, self doubt kicks in and this is the part of the assembly process where you question why a part does not fit right, question whether something is missing, or look for consolation from the smiling guy in the assembly book who seems to have everything figured out and is mocking you. Guess what, Ikea is always right. You are wrong. Don’t try to fight it. They spend big bucks on design/R&D and quality control not you. My advice is to take a deep breath and get a second pair of eyes. That typically does the trick for me. It doesn’t matter how many times you “swear” the instructions are wrong. They’re not. You are. Ikea is always right.
I can proudly say that I have 19 of the 20 pieces assembled and look forward to the next steps in the instruction books, wall mounting!
On a different topic, I finally decided what wallpaper I am going to use. It’s something from Graham and Brown and you’ll have to wait for the surprise.
In the mean time I will leave you with some kickass wall art that I found/love/want/enjoy by American, contemporary artist, Jen Stark.

via david report

via myspace