midnight wedding snack: buddha dog

There were a lot of things that I loved about the wedding I attended last weekend at Hart House (University of Toronto campus).  This post is dedicated to the most creative thing that I saw grace the tables just before midnight: Buddha Dog.  The bride and groom treated guests to make your own hotdogs for a late evening snack and what better hotdogs to select than Buddha Dog.  They are all natural, fresh and locally produced unlike the usual street meat. 

via collingwood-bluemountain

via collingwood-bluemountain

 Buddha Dog is a Prince Edward County born hot dog shop that was created to promote all things local.  From the site, their mission was to “to bring together the best local suppliers – Farmers, Dairies, Bakers, Butchers, Chefs, etc – to make exceptional hotdogs and let it represent the best of their region and culinary tradition.”  From Prince Edward County, they expanded to Toronto and are taking taste buds by storm.   I first visited Buddha Dog last year at their Picton, Ontario depot and had a very tasty dog with some flavour bursting condiments/sauces.  I was really surprised to see Buddha Dog being rolled out at a wedding but hey, why not get creative and expose + treat your guests to your favourite local, small business.  It’s great for business and great for guests alike.  Truly win-win for brand exposure.  Great idea guys!

via acqtaste

via acqtaste

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Creative Invoice

Just when you thought invoices had nothing to do with events and design think again.  The fabulous font and graphic designers of House Industries in Delaware came up with a creative application of an invoice for their company.  If I was to receive an invoice like that, the beauty alone  would encourage me to pay on-time!  Be sure to check out their website, they have a lot of great designs if you are into bold, strong, colourful graphics.


via house industries

via house industries


Picnic Flowers

With autumn upon us, I thought this flower arrangement idea that I saw posted on my favourite food blog, Sunday Suppers,  was a great  if you have any lingering of flowers left in your back yard that you would like to salvage for a table top dinner.  Mis match old glass jars, interesting vases or in this case, salt and pepper shakers.  So sweet!

via sunday supper

via sunday supper


Fall Folliage Invite

Keeping with the fall theme of posts, how cool is this wedding invitation done by the talented shop, Linda and Harriett in Brooklyn?

Really innovative stuff!

via Linda and Harriett

via Linda and Harriett


Quick Birthday Dinner Party

I was off in Hong Kong and China the past couple weeks and I am just getting back in the swing of things on my blog.  The weather was fantastic while I was away, hot hot hot and lots of time for exploration around Hong Kong, Beijing and a couple cities in Yunnan province.  Now that I am back I have over 1000 pictures to sort through and I am trying to get my new HK + China finds researched so I can tout some new companies.

For today, a post about a quick birthday dinner party that I caught my attention on the Rock Paper Scissor blog.  Lauren’s story about the meal she whipped up in one hour was touching.  She had a very short time line to work with to organize a birthday party for her friend who was recovering from a cold.  The end result, she did a great job using resources she had at her disposal from her store (fabulous paper store) as well as some outside help from her hubby.  It was a very thoughtful meal and i’m sure any friend would appreciate a special birthday meal like the one that was put together below.

One Hour Dinner from Rock Paper Scissor Blog

One Hour Dinner from Rock Paper Scissor Blog


Apple and a Peach

via icecreamsocial

via icecreamsocial

When I read about this post on blog, icecreamsocial today, I had to share it! 

The designers and the couple getting married picked symbols that charmingly (is that a word?) represented where each person is from, New York (apple) and Georgia (peach).   I like witty humour in invitations.  Not something you see very often.  Clearly much thought and ideation went into creating the finished product.  I think any guest who received the apple + peach invitation would certainly stop, think and smile and look forward to the event!

If you are not familiar with Icecream Social, it is a visual communications design studio duo that produces beautiful paper inviations in New York.  They have a shop on etsy and a blog if you want to see more.

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