The Doughnut Vault
Happy Monday. I am back in Prague after spending a couple days extra hot days in Vienna with our house guests. We had 35 degree plus weather every day but still managed to tour new parts of the city and stay cool with lots of gelato (even tried poppy seed gelato)!
Before I delve into Vienna later this week, I wanted to briefly blog about the Doughnut Vault in Chicago. This place looks awesome for a couple reasons.
#1 The Doughnut Vault makes fresh, home made doughnuts in interesting mouthwatering flavours such as Dreamsicle, Coconut Old Fashioned, Powdered Sugar Stack, and Double Chocolate Yellow Cake (to name a few)….
#2 The Doughnut Vault close after they sell out of their doughnuts- which is usually sometime before noon! Using various forms of social media these doughnut experts alert customers what doughnut flavours (their blog/Twitter) they will have on offer that day and how long the line up is out the door. Brilliant digital marketing!
If you are not in Chicago, or don’t have a plan to visit the city, I thought I would provide you with a visual of the Doughnut Vault process. Below is a beautiful time-lapsed video to illustrate the company’s popularity and impressive sell out rate.
Doughnut Vault Timelapse from Mark Pallman on Vimeo.
And don’t think I would leave you without some pictures!?!