Dizzying Pink Venue

I saw this picture about a year or two ago in Business Week Magazine  and something prompted me today to think about the interior design by Philip Treacy of the G Hotel in Ireland. 

I was thinking about venues that don’t require a lot of decor and that speak for themselves.   I was involved in organizing two wine tasting tours this week in Montreal and Toronto.  Both venues had enough of a backdrop to reduce the need to buy flowers and gussy up the room. 

Somehow my train of thought led me back to the image below from the boutique hotel in Ireland.  Wouldn’t it be fun to hold an event in this room?  All you would have to do is to rent a long  black table for 12, find some white or black table top accessories, maybe a pink flower or two if you can bare to add more pink and you’ve got yourself a memorable backdrop to an event.

The G Hotel in Ireland (via Business Week)

The G Hotel in Ireland (via Business Week)

Doorway leading into pink room (via institute of designers Ireland)

Doorway leading into pink room (via institute of designers Ireland)


Dark Horse Espresso (Spadina) – Dark Horse Espresso Bar, Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Cafe Toronto Restaurants

Coffee from Dark Horse Espresso Bar (via toronto.com)

Coffee from Dark Horse Espresso Bar (via toronto.com)

Dark Horse Espresso (Spadina) – Dark Horse Espresson Bar, Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Cafe Toronto Restaurants

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Darkhorse Interior (via torontoist.com)

Darkhorse Interior (via torontoist.com)


Dark Horse Lower Level South Table (via joeydevilla.com)

Dark Horse Lower Level South Table (via joeydevilla.com)


Stunning dining room = stunning event

I am a big proponent of interior design and architecture especially when a space affords you the ability to up the ante on your style factor when entertaining. 

Today my attention was drawn to a Brazilian design firm, Rosenbaum, that works on a variety of  a commercial and residential interiors in Brazil. 

After a bit more digging to find out more about Rosenbaum’s projects and style, I found a piece posted on Design*Sponge written about the Brazilian firm and wanted to share my favourite picture. 

I think the dining room Rosenbaum put together is just stunning.  The combination of high ceilings, artistic chandelier contrasted with the red goblets on the table make for an eye catching dinner party!

Rosenbaum dining room (photo courtesy of Design*Sponge)

Rosenbaum dining room (photo courtesy of Design*Sponge)


Corporate Events in Style (NYC)

Corporate Event Venues- Those sometimes tacky, sterile or derelict spaces we have to choose from to organize corporate events just got a bit more stylish thanks to MEET AT THE APARTMENT in New York.  Close your eyes and picture your favourite boutique hotel interior design aesthetic and now picture where you conduct your corporate events.  If you can mesh these two visions together you get Meet at the Apartment; except more beautiful.  This newly launched space is equipped to promote creative thought as soon as you enter the doors thanks to its decor, library full of art, design and reference books, kitchen pantry to feed hungry brain cells and all the technology one could need when hosting a meeting.  Should you find yourself scratching your head or googling where to hold your next corporate meeting in New York, look no further.  You won’t regret it.  To read other reviews on Meet at the Apartment check out the Springwise.com report or PSFK.com.

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