potato head beach club
This is the coolest beach club I have ever seen. It actually hardly resembles a beach club from the outside, which is a reminder to never judge a book by its cover. The Potato Head beach club, which opened in Seminyak, Bali late last year, houses three restaurants, six bars, pools, lounge chairs and turns into quite the party space after dark. It supposedly attracted something like 1000 people to its opening launch. While I am sure the food and drink at this club is divine, the architecture alone is the real draw. The design appeal for PHBC is the collection of 1950’s Scandinavian and Indonesian furniture artfully displayed and incorporated around the property. The coolest by far, is the exterior which looks like a window shutter factory/art gallery fortress all rolled into one. The club’s walls are made of industrial concrete that have been covered by hundreds of mismatched, antique window shutters. Talk about go big or go home! The Potato Head beach club’s website also states that a hotel is coming soon.
Photo Credits:
(1, 2, 3) Lost at E Minor (4) Whiteboard Journal (5) Luxe City Guides