I Love Cuppacakes

There is some serious cupcake designs and baking going on in Malaysia these days and I am happy to have stumbled across this company.

Since 2006, six graphic designers passionate about cupcakes banded their artistic talents and discerning tastes together to form Cuppacakes.  Over the past few years their home based business grew into the real deal in Petaling Jaya (PJ), a satellite city of Kuala Lumpur in Selangor state.  It shows in the website and product design that graphic designers are behind this operation.

Since I found Cuppacakes, I have been obsessed with how creative and talented this team of bakers/designers are and had a really tough time choosing which pictures to showcase to promote their work!

Here are my top six but really, one batch is prettier than the next.  I don’t know how people order and eat the cupcakes because seeing the entire order together is like looking at a work of art that you don’t want to destroy.  So if you are planning a wedding or event in Malaysia any time soon, cross your fingers that they deliver!

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via I Love Cuppacakes

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via I Love Cuppacakes


Fashionable Green Cupcakes for Baby Shower

I made these cupcakes a couple weeks ago for a friend of a friend’s bridal shower.  I decided to go a bit fashion forward with the design and created a variety of green textures and topings on chocolate brownie and vanilla bases.

Instead of the traditional baby blue, I stepped out of the box with this one- a bit more grown up, if I can call it that.  I displayed the cupcakes on gold and silver serving pieces.  The gold trays are from the Party Supply Depot on Doncaster Road.  They are super cheap but present really well.  The silver “tear drop” cake stand is from William Ashley’s.

Green Baby Shower Cupcakes
Green Baby Shower Cupcakes




Square Cupcakes!

I am not sure where I first found these cupcakes- I think I first stumbled upon them on event blog Elizabeth Anne Designs.  Of course these cool square cupcakes are only available in the US (sorry Canadian + international readers). 

The company responsible for innovation in the cupcake department is called Cupcakes Squared.  They are based out of San Diego, California and specialize in these geometric little cakes.  The best thing about Cupcakes Squared is that they offer a fairly sizeable flavour assortment. 

Please let me know if you have had the opportunity to taste these square cupcakes and what your favourite flavour is?

Chocolate Square Cupcake from Cupcakes Squared

Chocolate Square Cupcake from Cupcakes Squared


Picture of the store

Picture of the store

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