re-surface design light
The dreaded part of entertaining at home is always the clean up afterwards. Some people choose to attack it right after the last guests leave soaking, scrubbing and vacuuming until the wee hours of the night. Others leave everything until the next morning. I usually split doing big things like dishes, vacuuming and soaking at night, and then putting everything away in the morning. On the topic of cleaning in general, I am only two months into living in my condo and have been exploring different methods, processes and manners of cleaning the unit. It’s funny, because I’ve noticed on certain tasks, I find myself googling how to clean things properly with no clue how to approach the task. Seeing that you don’t take a course in cleaning the house at school, I am on the hunt for good, reliable information to guide me through the cleaning tasks of the domestic realm. For those of you like me who struggle how to get your sink clean, your mirrors streak free, what type of products you can use on wood floors and how often you should be cleaning period, I found a great check list on blog Hip Hostsess that came from magazine Real Simple that may be of interest.
Cleaning To-Do List
Every Day
Wipe down the sink after doing the dishes or loading the dishwasher (30 seconds).
Wipe down the stove top (one minute).
Wipe down the counters (one minute).
Sweep, Swiffer, or vacuum the floor (two minutes).
Every Week
Mop the floor (five minutes).
Wipe the cabinets, backsplashes, and appliances (10 minutes).
Wash the dish rack (four minutes).
Wipe the switch plates and phone (one minute).
Wipe the inside of the garbage can (one minute).
Every Season
Empty and scrub down the inside of the refrigerator (30 minutes).
Empty and clean the insides of the utensil drawers (15 minutes).
Scrub down the cupboard exteriors (30 minutes).
Clean the stove-hood filter (10 minutes).
Perform “Shiny Sink 101” (below)
Shiny Sink 101
1. Fill sink to the rim with very hot water; add one cup regular bleach. Soak for one hour.
2. Drain and rinse thoroughly.
3. Scrub with Ajax, Bon Ami, or baking soda.
4. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
5. Shine with Windex or another glass-cleaning spray. Dry thoroughly.
Today at lunch I made the trek in minus 20 degree weather from Queen and Bay to Adelaide and Spadina. Some of my colleagues thought I was crazy for walking outside in such cold weather but my mission to scope out Herbal Infusion Tea Co. meant I would get a warm reward. I first read about newest tea outpost on a Blog TO review. Herbal Infusion Tea Co launched by Dan Johanis, is tucked away on Adelaide St West beside a printer and my favourite downtown giftbag store,Retail Bag Co. A good place for a cafe amidst the brick and beam office buildings in the area, I am sure Herbal Infusion Tea Co. will become a favourite of the creatives and condos in the neighbourhood because there really is no other place for tea south of Queen. When I went in for my green tea, I spoke with the owner for a couple of minutes to get the goods on his place. Dan is knowledgeable about his product having spent some time running a tea website and studying the subject at George Brown and he clearly demonstrates a passion for his new store and product. The interior is simple yet welcoming and I love the ladder that slides back and forth in front of the wall-o-tea. Of course I am bias because I only drink tea but in my books, more tea spots in the city is a great thing. Now if only someone would venture north of the 401 even north of Lawrence! Is that too much to ask?
| 0 commentsI recently started collecting black and white posters and prints about love which I am starting to display around my condo. I think I was inspired by all the beautiful and incredibly scandi-style black and white interior shots and prints on Lotta Agaton’s blog. I have three “love inspired” prints so far from different artists around the globe and plan to add more to my collection from my new-found source, Swedish designer/artist Therese Sennerholt. She works with words and images and creates the most wonderful black and white graphic prints which are exactly my taste and sense of humour.
If you are interested in learning more about Therese, Nordic Designs posted an interview with her here.
Here are a couple of my favourites:
| 0 commentsI tell you, I continue to be impressed with Toronto’s event and design scene. Case in point- stationery company, Love the Design on Queen East. Opened in 2009, owner Christine Flynn, is both a photographer and an artist and her company offers stylish cards and some interesting photography/wall art. I love her invites. Here is a selection of my favourites.
| 0 commentsA new take on the poof (that I looove), Bux de Luxe by Dutch Summer, is a treen inspired seat that comes in a bunch of cool colour combinations. Dutch Summer is an outdoor furniture design company based in Rotterdam. Unfortunately, Bux looks like it is only being sold in Europe and Japan.
I dream of the kind of cake produced by Alexandria Pellegrino (the artist – fine arts major from OCAD and Cordon Bleu grad) and Jessica Smith (the pastry chef- George Brown Culinary and Cordon Bleu grad) of Cake Opera Co. in Toronto. This is what cake should look like. Artistic, full of imagination, colourful, textured, intricate, an element of fantasy and statuesque. Opened in 2007, the duo have been steadily building their brand while churning out confections like macarons and chocolates and of course stunning wedding cakes on Eglinton.