Just like the name suggests, this “new” patisserie does look like a dream. Located in the seventh arrondissement on Rue de Bac, La Patisserie des Reves in Paris, created by Philippe Conticini looks unbelievable. The chef and author of book Sensations Nutella, has given every consumer touch point from the store interior, the display shelves, the website, the exterior, and last but not least the product a hearty helping of interior design. His chosen colour palette of white, pink, orange and yellow reminds me of something right out of the Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. I can’t tell what is more eye catching, the interiors and glass displays or the desserts themselves. While this is not Philippe’s first Patisserie in the city, it is most eye-catching. It seems that each bakery that opens (specifically in Paris) out does the next. I guess you have to be pretty innovative as an entrepreneur and chef if you want to compete and stay in business in a city that is full of bakeries. Here is a video of Philippe talking about his bakery and pastries. I can’t wait to get to Paris to visit La Patisserie des Reves.

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