
Cool idea-wine meets modern art. The event is called MADcrush in partnership with the Museum of Art and Design in New York, top chefs and wine professionals come together to share their craft.  This is a five week (thursday) pop up wine bar on now until July 30th at Columbus Circle.  Love the wine bar out of cardboard boxes.

via joonbug

via joonbug



As the summer heats up, and you are looking for something cool and refreshing to eat or to serve at an event, Popbar in New York (west village) has an interesting thing going:  gelato on a stick.  Using a unique process from Italy’s, Stick House, Popbar, rotates 25 flavours, all homemade in house and crafts beautiful looking “popsicles” out of gelato, sorbet and yogurt and covers them in toppings (almonds, hazelnut, granola, coconut).  The owners made a point to use top ingredients including hormone free milk, real fruit and no additives in the product.  

Two great things put together, custom and gelato!  Even with Popbar’s aim to keep these desserts, “kid friendly”  they look too beautiful to eat.  What’s better is that catering is available for special events- ahem anyone looking for something fresh and new in NYC.  Love it, love it!  Open in Toronto Popbar. For more pictures on how it’s done, you can check out Manila Review to see an example at StickHouse here.  

via popbar

via popbar



via grubstreet


New Preston Bailey Blog

Anyone who entertains or has had a wedding is probably familiar with Preston Bailey.  If not, he is one of the greats in the industry and is a person to learn from and follow.  I got a note today from one of Preston’s interns at his company alerting me to his new, revamped blog which I will say is 150 times better looking/easier to navigate than the first iteration. 

The blog brings together a combination of his work, thoughts/ideas, his beautiful books, a how to section as well as a cool tool that prompts you to pick a colour and share some of the details of your event which culminates in a smart feed back to his portfolio of experience to give you ideas. Well done and looking forward to seeing new work.

Some blog shots to entice you:

via preston bailey’s blog

Preston collaboration with Betsey Johnson via preston bailey's blog

via preston bailey's blog


via preston bailey's blog


stunning flower arrangement

No words to describe how stunning, yet simple this flower arrangement is by Nancy Chin in San Francisco (her main site can be accessed here)

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i love my blog: abc cups

ABC cups-so cute by Papermash in the UK; and look what bloger at Tea for Joy did with them below?

Have a great long weekend if you are celebrating this week.

via papermash

via tea for joy


thing makers: The Official Manufacturing Company

Witty sells.  Witty attracts.  Witty makes you think.  The Official Manufacturing Company out of Portland has the best “about us” I have seen in a while.  They call themselves “thing makers” aka very talented graphic designers.  This phrase is befitting to their company as they provide a wide range of services, too long to list, but if it has to do with marketing collateral, brand identity or some combination of the two, it looks like these guys can more than handle the job.  I would like to see them apply their skills to a wedding invitation, their aesthetic is very natural looking.  An event project by them would be on a level, no doubt.  For more behind the method check out their blog here.  And of course a big thanks to design forward blogger behind the artist and his model, for writting about this great graphic design company!

via the official manufacturing company "frances may rebrand"

packaging for Stumptown coffee

Property of Hangtags

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