Posted by
sarah on Sep 1, 2010 in
Design |
Today, I became a home owner.
It is my first time purchasing a home and I think its kind of cool that I own something with someone.
In light of my new, big purchase, I am dedicating the month of September to all things renovation and interior decor on the blog. I will be posting pictures of the demo, reno and decor of the condo plus cost saving tips and findings in my hunting and gathering of materials.
October will be dedicated to entertaning as I am sure I will be doing a lot of that once the place is in shape to host guests!
In the mean time, I appologize for my spotty postings in August. Preparing for home ownership is quite the task especially if you are taking on the reno project yourself (with the help of family) instead of contracting out.
Stay tuned.
In the mean time, I liked this image to symbolize my new asset!

via glorious wall stickers